Published August 2019
Updated February 2022
Thank you for joining us in this series on Home Decorating.
Our hope is that these short blog bursts will enable & inspire you to refresh a room in your home.
This week we're tackling your Bathroom
Last week we did a refresh on your Kitchen. That’s a big one because we all know how kitchen congregating works! Check back to the previous Refresh Blog Burst if you missed it. And make sure to sign up below to be notified each time a blog burst is published.
This week let's refresh you Bathroom
You choose: your master bath? A guest bath? Or the kid’s bathroom?
When choosing 3 elements for a bathroom refresh the top most elements that come to mind are:
Art work
Cabinets or shelving
Shower Curtain
Smaller bathrooms can be refreshed every year if you change out even one item: a rug, flowers, or a shower curtain!
It's easy to purchase a rug—or even the set that includes the shower rug, the rug around the toilet and the sink rug. Try buying the toilet seat cover separately and pick a color that contrasts the others.
Starting with the rug set is one option as that will determine color scheme. Do you want a solid color? Or a design with many colors? YOU get to choose. I would think it would depend on if it’s your bathroom or the kid’s. Below you’ll see examples of multi-color or print shower curtains and how we added other elements in around that.
You may be in need of a new toilet or…a new bathtub insert, but that’s not what we’re doing here. This is cosmetic. So don’t get overwhelmed before we even start.
Remember….our mantra…this is not a Remodel or a Makeover. This is a refresh. That means up to 3 elements.
Let’s start with a kids’ bathroom. There are so many fun and/or bright colors available for kids bathrooms. We’re talking colors that make a kid get up and smile in the morning! The more color in the shower curtain, the more options for towels. Note: the towels hanging in the bathroom—this adds color and will tie into the curtain.
Note: when your kids have a say in the colors, remembering to hang their towels up in the bathroom will give them a sense of design and not just another task to do.
If your shower curtain has multiple bright colors then add to that with different bright colored towels and rugs that match the bright colors in the curtain.
Get a colorful rug with all these colors in it to really make the room look nuts or buy each rug in one of the colors.
Give each kid a color that's theirs. Ask them to help you find the perfect bathroom art for the wall in their color. They will take better care of a bathroom they are invested in.
For your guest bath what color scheme do you prefer? Casual? Neutral? Elegant? Start there and then add the shower curtain, rugs and artwork.
Have you seen the shower curtains that have real-life paintings on them? So real in fact, that you feel as if you took a step forward you would end up in the scene?
With the above you could add dark and/or plain color towels to blend with it, and a rug that adds to the illusion. This could be a lot of fun!
There are a lot of options out there to choose from. When you see the right color for you and your specific bathroom go for it. Be bold and reflect your own style or the style you want to display.
Another starting option is with the shower curtain. This is where people most likely begin when they are refreshing their bathroom. And once you choose a curtain you can purchase towels, rugs and art that complement it.
Advice: invest in curved shower curtain rods. It bows outward and gives a more spacious and spa-like feel.
This curtain rod is bowed so as you can see it doesn't really take up more space outside, but will give you more space inside.
You already know that the shower head is a GREAT element to add. There are various shower heads that spray water in whatever intensity you desire. Various settings can add to the spa-like feel in your bathroom.
Here is a bathroom that needs a few items to refresh it…how about changing out the white shower curtain for a multi print?
- Change out the white hand towel rack for something of the dark metal variety?
- How about a track of lighting for above the mirror? Or better yet a chandelier to give it more charm?
- A cabinet or shelving over the toilet-of dark wood or metal to give it that rich feel?
- How about a valance over the window that coordinates with the shower curtain?
- Rug in front of the sink and rug in front of the toilet that warms up this room?
- Colors that blend or contrast with the other colors?
- What about a simple plastic flower arrangement as a splash of color amidst this neutral color scheme? Set it on the counter....
- Or something that goes with that new shower curtain? And…don’t forget the curved shower curtain rod to give you more space in your shower…
Any or all of those items placed in that basic bathroom would be the perfect refresh.
Here is a bathroom refresh share:
This home decor refresher ordered the shower curtain online. She then stumbled across the art--matching yet contrasting--a GREAT combo!
Points to notice: the shower curtain and its colors. The towels-darker for contrast. The rugs-lighter to blend and not take away from the great colors of the curtain. The artwork is perfect for this bath. Gives the room character and ties in to the color scheme! She could have also gone with a rust colored toilet seat cover for a pop of color.
See how starting with a super fun, colorful or scenic shower curtain is a GREAT starting point for your bathroom refresh?
With the above shower curtain you can imagine the color options you would have. You could go with the teal in both dark and light for rugs and towels. Or you could go with the dark brown for rugs and light brown for towels and/or toilet seat cover. The options make this a FUN shower curtain to choose for your refresh.
If you're hot-blooded here's the shower curtain for YOU.
Make it exciting and fun with this shower curtain
And last but not least...this waterfall themed shower curtain:
You may want to turn it around so that while you're in the bathtub you could look at it while soaking.
So! Where are you at with your bathrooms?
Don’t be overwhelmed! This just gives you ideas. Start with the shower curtain, or the rug set--you choose! You might want something as simple as changing out ONE rug color? Throw in a new toilet seat cover for contrasting color and you’re happy! That’s fine. You’re only doing this for you. And remember our mantra…this is just a REFRESH. Pick 3. That’s all. Limit it so you don't overwhelm yourself. Just pick 3. Have fun with it.
Let us know your struggles. Did you find the bathroom hard to refresh? Why or why not? What did you do to break it down into just the 3 elements? Comment below we'd love to hear from you.