Bench along main aisle for seating

What are these Benches all about?

main aisle at event with a bench

What are they all about?

Well...they're solid, natural, and can be a classy addition to any gathering you're planning.

The benches we create are a functional answer for large seating needs at fairs, festivals, trade shows and in venue lobbies, food court areas and anywhere people need to sit and rest. 

sitting on main aisle bench

Venue managers love them as they can rent them to their customers (events) for additional seating that every event manager knows they need. Venues can charge for use of these benches thereby recouping their initial purchase costs.

Venue managers can also use them for informal increased seating at food courts or food truck areas for casual seating, giving attendees a place to sit, rest and eat.

We ordered 20 benches for the annual Oklahoma State Fair last year and they were so pretty and functional that we ordered 10 more for this year. They work great! 

Thanks - GB

Gina Burchfiel
Vice President State Fair Division
State Fair Park | Home of the Annual Oklahoma State Fair


The benches are solid, made from hard wood and put together with commercial wood screws sealed with glue. They aren't going to fall apart-and that is with even as many as 8 people sitting on ONE! (We know, we tried).

bench configuration for family seating

Benches built over 3 years ago are as solid today, with no maintenance needed.

The benches can be stacked in storage so don't hesitate to order as many benches as you want! With storage 12 feet high--you would need just 2.5 ft x 6 ft space to store 8 !

benches stored

If you are an event manager--ask your venue if they have these on their rent-able list. It's a less expensive way for you to provide additional seating on main aisles and to fill unoccupied booths (with a tree and some flowers it makes for a nice filler in those no show spaces). It is also a nice change-up from the typical and generic folding chair used for stage seating.

wood benches used for stage seating

Click to order benches:

Happy planning!

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