photo ops for social media sharing at events

5 Extras That Will Have You Standing Out At Your Trade Show Event

Published May 2019
Updated October 2021

Are you a marketing manager in charge of your trade show schedule? Maybe you are the trade show manager for your company? Do you want to be the most successful you can be in your role? Check off the following 5 extras you can implement in your trade show/event marketing plan and watch your ROI increase!

1. Charging Stations

In our world today everyone has their eye out for the nearest outlet where they can charge their devices. In a trade show event, letting your phone lay on the floor in a huge building is not the most sought after charging solution for attendees or exhibitors.

Set aside a portion of your exhibit booth space for charging modules.

include a charging station in your booth

Decorate with and provide your company’s information on these charging modules so that those who are waiting can read all about your latest, greatest and best features of your products and services.  You will not only provide a valuable service to everyone but also create a space, and time (!) where qualified attendees can learn all about you.

It can be as simple as the below. Make sure to place it conveniently in your booth, then decorate around it with your company and product information.
simple charging stating to provide attendees in your booth

If you are the venue or event manager, providing these stations will not only allow qualified attendees to stay longer to buy from your vendors but if you sold this feature as a sponsorship you can obtain valuable revenue. The right sponsor will jump all over this opportunity as it gives them huge exposure and goodwill credit for their company.

sponsored charging station at event

2. Coffee and Donuts

Sure, it’s cliché but with large crowds streaming through your event it’s guaranteed to keep attendees longer at the event and therefore more revenue spent with your vendors. Instead of quitting early on the event, attendees can grab a quick bite and keep going, ensuring every vendor’s booth is seen with the hope that purchasing power increases.

As an exhibitor, providing coffee and donuts will draw attendees to your booth and keep them there longer, hearing about your products, while they’re sipping and chewing.

And let’s face it, the less hangry people at an event---the better!!

providing donuts makes attendees happy

3. Photography

Provide ways for people to take pictures and share on social media.

For birthday events:                               Use if you're a flower company:

birthday events for photo memories     creative and decorative backdrop for photo ops and sharing

Yes! You want attendees and vendors alike to be doing so! Sharing the exciting and interesting products and services at your event will attract even more attendees to come and check things out. If you are a vendor you have much to gain if you have a space in your booth for pictures to be taken including a hashtag of your company name with a booth number—to drive traffic to YOU!

backdrop with logo for photo ops

For vendors, set up a backdrop with your event or company name. Have your company’s products available for attendees to take pics with and provide the hashtag you want them to use. Make it even more interesting when you promise prizes to those chosen from the hashtag shares.

backdrop for specific company with product props

For a more generic look, use a classy wood pallet backdrop for easy-to-see social media pics and shares.

wood pallet wall backdrop


Another popular item in events is the Photo Booth. You can rent this, along with someone to help promote and monitor it, in your city. Google to find options and then negotiate pricing. This tends to be a more spendy option so as an event manager you might want to find a sponsor. For a vendor it depends on how much attracting additional traffic to your booth matters? It will cost you so keep an eye on ROI to determine if this is a logical route for your company to go.

photo booth at event with props

Note: you can make it product-focused or fun and funny focused with the props you provide for the photo shots. This option tends to create additional energy in your booth and buzz in the event. If your product or service requires in-depth explanation and conversation this might not be the option for you. If your booth success hinges on huge traffic, excitement and purchases on site, then THIS is the option to choose.

4. Hand out and provide bags

An option that few seem to capitalize on is having bags manufactured with your logo and/or company information to hand out at your events. If you manufacture them for a year’s worth of events you can definitely save money. However, make sure you don’t have changes on the horizon like website addresses, mergers, or phone numbers.

event bags for branding

Not only do you come across as the good guy who provides bags for attendees to use while accumulating information & goodies at an event, but these attendees take the bags home with them- with YOUR information.
As they refer to the bag of literature they accumulated, your company information is front and center continuously reminding them of YOU.

reusable bags for accumulating info at events

Some even use the bags ongoing for grocery shopping or other uses. Reusing bags will give you a stamp of approval from the sustainability sector.

If you are an event or venue manager, providing bags to attendees will keep your venue or event top of mind to potential customers and remind these same attendees of this event, or your venue, for future needs.

bag swag for attendee giveaways

5. Give away items that people can use for a long time

Last but certainly not least, giving out swag from your company or event that people can utilize for years to come is the best marketing of all. Including your logo on hats, tee shirts, water bottles, thumb drives, or anything else you can think of will keep your company top of mind for years to come. #branding

logos for branding swag

Our hope is that you find these 5 ideas to be productive for you and your company’s success. Every little bit helps! If you are new to exhibiting and are wondering if it would be beneficial for your company you can read more in our blog:  Exhibiting in Trade Shows-An Overview, Why Trade Shows? And then of course: How Do You Choose The Right Trade Shows?

These are quick reads giving you information you need to make the right decisions for your business. If after reading you have specific questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out emailing us or submitting your questions in the comments section of each blog. We will respond as quickly as possible.

Good luck and have fun! #besuccessful #roi

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