Building Your Business: Top Tips for Expanding Your Home Office
Guest Post Author: Gloria Martinez
Running a business from your home can be a great way to save money on operational overhead, as well as create a fulfilling work-life balance. To be successful, you need to ensure you have a designated workspace, which may require some home retrofitting to meet your needs. Benchmaster Woodworx offers some advice:
Basic Home Office
If you have a den, a spare bedroom, or a finished basement, you may be able to transition the space into a dedicated office. Outfit yourself with necessities including a desk and task chair, good lighting, a desktop or laptop, scanner, printer, and other office essentials. To keep things professional, make this space off-limits to the rest of the household, and resist the urge to make office space pull double duty as a guest room or storage space. Post a board with your schedule outside the office, if necessary, to allow household members to quickly assess when you are working, on a call, or otherwise engaged.
Expanded Home Work Space
If your business involves creating, assembling, or packing and shipping the products you sell, you likely need extra room for taking photographs for online listings, storing packing supplies, and having ample space for products. You can consider a two-part office plan in which you have a small office, as well as another part of your home that’s roomier like a garage or an unused formal dining room that you can co-op for your additional needs. While this approach makes use of your existing space, it can blur the lines between work and home life, which some home-based business owners find frustrating. According to Xero, having a plan of action for your business growth can aid in decision-making.
Built-On Space
If your company is growing, consider finding a qualified architect to help you develop plans for expanding your home or existing office to accommodate your business needs. This can be especially helpful if you see clients or customers and want to create an exterior entrance to your office. You could also convert an existing space — like that unused dining room, basement, or garage — and enclose it into a room of its own. You can find freelance architects and interior designers through online job platforms who can help you envision the perfect office design. Weigh costs and turnaround time and read reviews before hiring someone.
Exterior Building Options
Depending on the size of your business and the needs of your family, you might consider building a free-standing structure on your property that’s dedicated to professional use. This could be done in the form of a casita or a workshop-like structure. This approach gives you a firm delineation between work and home and can be especially useful if you have employees on-site, see customers, or have regular deliveries. A qualified general contractor can assess your property and make recommendations about construction options.
Making a Move
Some home-based business owners find it makes more sense to buy a new, larger home rather than modify their existing house. If this seems like the best move for you, conduct an online search to get a feel for prices or employ the services of a real estate professional to help you target your search. Have a good idea of what your business needs are now and in the future.
A mortgage lender can help you evaluate your financial picture and give you tips on what your best options are from a financial standpoint. And if you decide to move to another state, be sure to take the necessary steps to make sure you’re incorporated in your new home state.
Working from home provides a number of benefits, including flexibility, no commute, and the opportunity to create a healthy work-life balance. If your business is outgrowing your home space, consider the ways in which a few modifications can help you take your company to the next level!
Thank you Gloria-for providing your insight and advice to our readers!
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